Do you and/or your organization possess the necessary vitality, strength and resilience…

…that are crucial and important for the enjoyment of being af part of a busy and constantly changing world?

Our observation and experience at LDU is that many individuals and organizations lack vitality as a general permanent state. This is not sustainable – and if it continues for too long it results in demotivation, apathy, stress and burnout. And unfortunately we already quite frequently experience that this is more the fact than the exception. We all have a responsibility to help reverse this trend and find a new way to deal with daily life.

Mastering new habits

If you want to master a new habit or want to make some changes in your life, you know you need to plan the training and then, actually train new ways of doing and/or communicating things. Knowledge and insight is not enough.

Implementation is a challenge

In our daily work at LDU, our aim is to inspire to development and transformation in organizations and among individuals. In this process we experience, that the implementation part very often is a challenge, because it’s not prioritized – not because of lack of interest, but because the available amount of vitality and strength is used and prioritized on the daily tasks. And when they are accomplished there are no vitality left for development, creativity and new learning.

The implementation process is an important part of what we do at LDU. The question is: How do we – as the very first step in a development process – inspire to create vitality and strength so that individuals and organizations becomes able to prioritize learning, training and development?

Building and sustaining individuals and organizations in top shape

There are several basic elements of building and sustaining individuals and organizations in top shape. One of the most basic elements is that there has to be an abundant amount of vitality and strength available. Without vitality – no development and progress. Lack of vitality is the main cause of stress, inefficiency and lack of readiness to change.

The benefits of building and maintaining and balancing human and organizational vitality are:

Top engagement and motivation, enthusiasm and excitement, maximum wellbeing and productivity,
extraordinary results, genuine creativity and innovation, increased ability to see things in the big picture, increased capabilities for long-term and strategic planning, increased ability to immerse oneself and provide quality, the ability to inspire your surroundings etc.

Are you conscious?

The question is – are you CONSCIOUS about contributing to create and maintain large amounts of vitality and strength? If so, how? Otherwise, you may UNCONSCIOUS being a contributor of the opposite – stress and lack of vitality!

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